When you save your document or close Word, you are asked if you want to save your changes to the template. The only difference, of course, is that in steps 7 and 8 you should select the Envelope Return style. When done, you should repeat these steps if you want to change the font used for the return address. Make sure the New Documents Based On this Template radio button is selected.Click on OK to close the Font dialog box.

Change the font information, as desired.Click on the Format button, then choose the Font option.Word displays the Modify Style dialog box. Click on the downward-pointing arrow and choose the Modify option from the resulting menu.Notice that a downward-pointing arrow appears at the right side of the style name. Hover the mouse pointer over the Envelope Address style name.In the Styles pane, scroll through the list of styles until you see the Envelope Address style.Click OK to close the Style Pane Options dialog box.Using the Select Styles to Show drop-down list, choose All Styles.Word displays the Style Pane Options dialog box. Click Options at the bottom of the Styles pane.Click the small icon at the bottom-right of the Styles group.Seniorius Lurkius Registered: Aug 16, 2010. (If you want to fix this problem in other templates, you should open the template directly or create a blank document based on that template.) Setting the default font for all Microsoft applications 9 posts safeer72. Unless you specify a different template, Word creates a new document based on either the Normal.dotx or Normal.dotm template, depending on your system. If you want to change the font used by Word in creating envelopes, you need to change the style used for this purpose by Word. When you instruct Word to create the envelope, these styles are grabbed and used for formatting the addresses on the envelope. Likewise, the style used for the return address is named Envelope Return. The style used for the main address on the envelope is, appropriately enough, Envelope Address.

When creating an envelope, Word depends on predefined styles. This includes the font that Word uses to print the envelope's information. From Microsoft Word 2007 and higher versions default font is Calibri, 11 pt. The feature makes certain assumptions about how different parts of the envelope should be printed. In Word 2003 and earlier versions, default font was Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Setting default font word 2016 for mac#
Of course, this won’t change existing files, and it also won’t affect any Word for Mac documents you create that start from templates.Word includes an Envelopes feature that makes it pretty easy to create your own professional-looking envelopes. Now, all new documents you create will start with the font choices you made previously.