All arrow types can be purchased from Fletcher and General Goods Merchants but the Telekinesis and Soul Stealer Arrows can only be crafted by unlocking the ability.Reading the Research Notes adds the ability to craft Telekinesis Arrows and reading the spell tome adds the Telekinesis Arrows Lesser Power. The Telekinesis Arrows Spell Tome and Research can both be found on Urag's Desk within the Arcaneaum at the College of Winterhold.

The Bone Arrows require the Dragon Armor Perk but they're one of the strongest arrows in the game. The Fire, Ice and Lightning arrows can be crafted automatically.
Stealer of Souls will teach you how to craft Soul Stealer Arrows, but requires completion of a high-level challenge in Kagrumez on Solstheim. Swift as an Arrow will teach you how to craft and use Telekinesis Arrows, but requires first gaining access to the College of Winterhold.

Two quests will also begin, and will need to be completed in order to learn how to craft the remaining two new arrow types. Upon installation, you will instantly know how to craft Bone Arrows, Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, and Lightning Arrows, and will receive five of each. This Creation adds six new types of magical arrows, all of which can be crafted. All other arrows can be purchased at vendors & appear in containers.) Overview (Telekinesis arrows are found in The Arcanaeum in the College of Winterhold, Soul Stealer Arrows can be found in Kagrumez. Official Summary Give your hunting a magickal advantage with equipment specially designed for archers, like Telekinesis Arrows, Soul Stealer Arrows, Fire and Ice Arrows, Lightning Arrows, and a unique power that equips a Bound Quiver.